Sustainability policy


Proventia is a leading technology provider for the engine, machine and vehicle industries. We reduce harmful emissions to protect both human health and the environment.

We develop products that help our customers improve the energy efficiency of their own products and reduce their harmful emissions. We recognize our environmental impacts, opportunities, and risks and proactively and preventively respond to them. We are committed to reducing harmful emissions in our own operations and throughout our value chain. We involve our suppliers and partners in work promoting sustainable development. We thus aim to address global environmental challenges like climate change and air pollution.

We respect and promote human rights in our activities and business relationships as outlined in the International Bill of Human Rights, the International Labor Organization’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, and the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. We respect the rights of our employees and promote the well-being and safety of our staff, customers, partners and end users of our products throughout our value chain. We want Proventia to continue to be an inspiring and supportive workplace for both our current and future employees. We actively encourage our employees to innovate products and solutions that promote both human health and environmental sustainability. 

We uphold a culture of good corporate governance and comply with laws wherever we operate.  Sustainability, transparency, honesty and trust are at the core of our ethical guidelines and a part of our company culture. We maintain an open dialogue with our stakeholders, and we provide transparent, reliable reporting on our work to promote sustainability.

At Proventia, we take pride in our world-leading expertise and the meaningful work we do to improve air quality and mitigate climate change.

ProventiaSustainability Policy