Proventia, a Finland-based technology company manufacturing emission control systems for heavy-duty machines and heavy vehicles, establishes a production plant in the Czech Republic. The plant will locate in the Brno region and it will be the company′s first production unit located outside Finland. The new plant will start operating during 2018. 

According to Jari Lotvonen, President & CEO of Proventia, this is the right time to establish a new plant, as the serial production of exhaust aftertreatment systems in accordance with new EU emissions regulations will start in 2019. “According to our strategy, Proventia mainly manufactures products using subcontractors. However, we manufacture selected special products and components ourselves.  As production volumes are increasing, we also need to increase our capacity to manufacture these products”, Lotvonen says. 

“The Czech Republic is strong in terms of the automotive industry and technical expertise, while production costs are low. Its excellent location helps us to make use of component manufacturing and raw materials in Poland and Slovakia. What is more, the Czech Republic is close to our customers in Central Europe”, Lotvonen comments on the location of the new plant.

For more information, please contact:

Jari Lotvonen, President & CEO, Proventia, tel. +358 20 781 0200, jari.lotvonen(at)