
Currently, Proventia employs 200 professionals in different fields. Will you be the next? Find the next step in your career and submit an application!


Our current vacancies are listed below. Click the job title to access the recruitment system, in which you can read a more detailed job description and fill in an application. If you cannot find the right job for you, submit an open application, and we will contact you when a suitable position becomes available.

Ville Mäkikangas, Design Engineer, Test Solutions
“The recruitment process was effective, and decisions were made quickly! I selected Proventia because of its interesting products, values and internationality. I can have an impact on my tasks and job description in line with my own areas of interest and goals. Here, responsibility is offered, and it is easy to accept. The atmosphere at Proventia is excellent and full of excitement.”

Ville Mäkikangas, Design Engineer, Test Solutions