Retrofit representatives

Proventia has representatives in the countries listed below. They are happy to help you in retrofit related questions. For more information of UK, Germany, Sweden and Finland retrofits , please check also pages:

If your country is not listed, please contact Proventia head office in Oulu:

Proventia Oy

Tietotie 1
FI-90460 Oulunsalo, Finland
Tel: +358 (0)20 7810 200
E-mail: sales(at), info(at)
Personal e-mails: firstname.lastname(at)

Great Britain

Excalibre Technologies Ltd. (ETL)
Building 6, Vantage Point Business Village
Mitcheldean, Gloucestershire
GL17 0DD
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 1594 887414
E-mail: sales(at) 

Hong Kong

ProClean Ltd.
DD102 Lot LOT99 S.C. SS.1,
San Tin, Yuen Long, N.T., Hong Kong
Tel: +852 62587474
E-mail: stevencheung(at)


Joolpo Global Industrial Co.
407, SK Techno Bldg., 55,Sungsuil-Ro, Sungdong-Ku
Seoul, Korea, 04779
Tel: +82-(0)2 468 0491
E-mail: joolpokj(at)

Poland, Czech, Slovakia

P.U.P.T. i O. ATUT Sp. z o.o.
ul. Zwierzyniecka 10
60-813 Poznań, Poland
Tel: +48 618 530 649 (11:00-17:00)
Tel: +48 663 115 208 (9:00-18:00)

Spain & Portugal

Av. Angel Sallent 56
08224, Terrassa (Barcelona)
Tel: (+34) 937 20 48 74
E-mail: info(at)